Message of Solidarity – June 2021

June 1, 2021

Nicasa Behavioral Health Services voices our deepest concern and condolences in regards to recent spikes in racist, hateful, and violent actions and crimes against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. We do not support or condone any instances of hate, racism, stereotypes, and inflammatory and xenophobic political rhetoric against these individuals and their allies. We recognize that this violence and hatred is part of a larger system against all communities of color and we are committed to standing up with the AAPI community in support of their identity, culture, belonging, safety, and well-being. We also know that silence is complicit in these actions and we want the AAPI community to know we are a safe space in which anyone can be served and receive help.

Nicasa Behavioral Health Services continues to stand in solidarity against the systemic injustices that are destroying African American families and communities. Upon passing the 1-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death, we remember his presence and sacrifice in catalyzing our country to look at the continuous racist injustices that are happening nationwide. Our thoughts are with his family and the countless additional lives that have been lost to violence, illness, and neglect. Generations of trauma and pain are finally being heard and over the last year we have all come together to stand up against future cycles of injustice and pain by using the powers we have to shape a better world moving forward. We recognize that many African Americans are still hurting and we want to continue engaging in meaningful dialogue and reflection to work together in providing essential care and moving our communities forward in an inclusive manner.

In these times of crisis, Nicasa Behavioral Health Services encourages everyone to come together and build strong communities. Offer trust and an open space so that all may feel safe, and where all employees are treated with dignity and respect, all children feel comfortable going to school, and all of our loved ones have the freedom to thrive in their own skin and identities.

We practice and encourage everyone to denounce violent actions and behaviors by:

  • Standing up against racist attacks, both physical and verbal;
  • Including everyone’s voices and views in a safe and constructive manner; and
  • Taking concrete actions by reporting racist incidents, checking in on friends, family, and co-workers, extending compassion and grace to others, and continuing open and positive conversation to work towards systemic change.

We know these difficult times affect the mental health and well-being of our communities. We are living in a world of pain, anger, fear, uncertainty, and injustice, but we must come together as a collective purpose to help those who need it most and to fight against the unjust systems that plague the individuals and families we serve, our communities, and the world. Take time out of your day and check in on your co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors. Engage in educational, constructive, and respectful conversations about what is happening in our society. We encourage you to join us and stand in solidarity with our AAPI, African American, Latinx, indigenous, immigrant, and LGBTQIAA+ communities.

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