Message of Solidarity – July 2022

July 1, 2022

Nicasa Behavioral Health Services voices our deepest condolences to the victims and families of yesterday’s shooting at the 4th of July Parade in Highland Park. We cannot begin to express our concern for the Highland Park community, those who were visiting the community for the day, and the neighboring areas around the city who are collectively devastated by this violent experience. Our hearts are heavy today as we stand in solidarity with all of the grieving families, friends, and community members whose worlds have been forever changed by this senseless act.

Nicasa Behavioral Health Services recognizes that gun violence is part of a larger systemic breakdown throughout our governmental entities as a whole, and we are committed to standing up with the victims, survivors, witnesses, and community at-large in support of their safety, trust, belonging, and well-being. With every moment of pain, grief, fear, anxiety, and depression that arises, we are here in partnership with Highland Park, as well as other local community providers, to ensure everyone receives the support and care they need.

Being a part of the Highland Park community, with an office located near the investigative area, Nicasa Behavioral Health Services will ensure the provision of bilingual and bicultural care to those in need throughout Highland Park and the surrounding areas. Our staff will work to provide brief crisis intervention counseling and assist in connecting people with basic resources so they can build upon their individual strengths and rebuild their trust in the world again. For those not ready to seek help or leave their homes, we encourage you to contact Nicasa Behavioral Health Services for virtual services. If there are times we are not available, we encourage you to reach out to your family and friends, do not isolate or remain alone, talk to children about ways that the community is working to keep them safe, try to focus on daily essentials like eating well and calming the mind, and, for any instances of overwhelming symptoms, contact local crisis hotlines, 211 (call or text your zip code to 898211), call 911, or visit your nearest emergency room/urgent care center.

These horrific times will affect the mental health and well-being of our communities. We are living in a world of pain, anger, fear, uncertainty, and injustice, but we must come together as a collective purpose to help those who need it most and to fight against the systems that affect the safety of the individuals and families we serve, and our communities. Take time out of your day and check in on your co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors. Engage in educational, constructive, and respectful conversations about what is happening in our society.  We encourage you to join us and stand in solidarity with ending gun violence and building safe and healthy communities as a basic right for everyone.

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